

gong2022 2022-08-22 16:03:04 考研机构那个好 评论 AD

例句1:Madrid was hailed as a public health beacon last November when it rolled out ambitious restrictions on the most polluting cars.

单词/词组:Madrid马德里(西班牙首都) public health大众康健 beacon 灯塔,指路明灯 roll out推出

本句语法布局其实不繁杂,包括一个由when指导的时候状语从句:when it rolled out ambitious restrictions on the most polluting cars.状语从句中on the most polluting cars为介词短语做restrictions的后置定语,暗示“对大大都污染汽车的限定”,基于此整句理解:客岁十一月,马德里推出要对污染汽车举行大马金刀的限定,由此它被称颂为大众康健的指路明灯。

例句2:Seven months and one election day later, a new conservative city council suspended enforcement of the clean air zone, a first step toward its possible demise.

单词/词组:election day推举日 conservative守旧的 city council市议会,市政会 suspend 暂停 enforcement履行 demise归天 失败 终止

本句是一句简略句,句子中包括了一个名词短语 a first step toward its possible demise组成的同位语,该同位语诠释阐明前面的举动。对付本剧的理解为:七个月加一个推举日以后,一个新的守旧


例句3:Mayor Jose Luis Martinez -Almeida made opposition to the zone a centrepiece of his election campaign, despite its success in improving air quality.

单词/词组:mayor 市长 centrepiece中间物 election campaign推举勾当,竞选勾当

在本句中, made 为句子谓语,opposition to the zone 为made的宾语而a centrepiece of his election campaign则是宾语补足语,理解:使opposition to the zone作为a centrepiece of his election campaign; 句末由despite指导的短语despite its success in improving air quality组成句子的妥协状语,此中 in improving air quality是in介词短语做后置定语润饰success,意思为在提高氛围质量上的乐成,全部句子理解为:市长何塞路易斯马丁内斯-阿尔梅达师长教师将否决干净氛围区作为他竞选勾当的一个焦点,虽然氛围干净区确切在提高氛围质量方面取患了乐成。

例句4:That ‘s because they inevitably put the costs of cleaning the air on to individual drivers一who must pay fees or buy better vehicles 一rather than on to the car manufacturers whose cheating is the real cause of our toxic pollution.

单词/词组: inevitably不成防止地 cheating欺瞒 car manufacturers汽车产商toxic 有毒的有害的

本句包括由because指导的表语从句和who、whose指导的定语从句 ;从句 because they inevitably....跟在be动词后面组成表语从句,定语从句who must pay fees or buy better vehicles从句跟在drivers后面,润饰限制drivers,此中who指导词在从句中充任主语;定语从句whose cheating is the real cause of our toxic pollution润饰 the car manufacturers ;本句理解为这是由于他们不成防止地将干净氛围地的本钱算到了个别司机身上,司机们必需付出用度或采办




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